Captain Flamingo - Origins

Remember when you are kid in the 2000s and this show "Captain Flamingo" aired on YTV (or any television station in your area)? I do. This show is about Milo Powell who saves little kids as the titular superhero with the help of Lizbeth Amanda Zaragoza. It first aired with "The Flamingo Has Landed". There is another version of the first episode that didn't make through the air. According to one person, he stumbled upon a strange VHS that said "CF: Origins (first episode), hand to YTV by 2006". He thought this was another new episode but then it realizes that it was the first version of the first episode. A more sinister one.
Here in the first version, the episode starts with the narrator (not the guy we hear in the final version but rather a more grimmier and serious one). The narrator explains that Milo is a mentally challenged 7 (turning 8 in Season 2 and 9 in Season 3) year old child who have a troubled past (being rejected by adults and his grandpa was killed by a bear while hunting) and he really wants to be a superhero badly like Quantum Vigilante. A girl in red who is new to the city isn't aware of Milo's plan and was skeptical about it. She has no friends at all during her life and like Milo, she has a troubled past. Her name is Lizbeth Amanda Zaragoza. She is 5 years old. How did Milo become Captain Flamingo? One night while walking through the park, Milo noticed some strange sounds that resembles a flamingo's cry. He responded "Who's there!?". His body began to shake and his heart began to beat. As soon as he turned around, a flamingo began to attack him making him feel unconscous. The next day, he woke up naked on the bed only to find flamingo bite marks that is bleeding and stinging on his right arm at the same time. He responded "what the fuck!?" Milo then found an idea.
He then began to make his costume and built his novelity items (because he didn't have any acutal superhero weapons like Deadpool did nor superpowers like Superman did) that he will use later in the show. There he now calls himself, Captain Flamingo to represent the animal that attacked him last night. Lizbeth knows what Milo is up to now. He even built his own backpack out of old backpacks found in everyone's trash. So, Lizbeth decided to make friends with Milo because they both have problems during their past. Lizbeth have ask Milo if she would becomes her sidekick. Milo said "yes". From this day on, Milo and Lizbeth are now best friends for eternity. They then have an idea, they wanted to help little kids who have problems in their lifetime. So, their goal as now seen set. To help little kids in trouble. The episode ends with a letter being sent by a kid in trouble to Milo and Lizbeth. Milo and Lizbeth is now on a mission to save a little kid and thats how the episode ends. The guy who watches the tape then called the company who made this episode if the show is intended to be serious. They then answered "Yes". The comapany said that the first one is rejected because its "too dark" for kids. The man responded to me that Captain Flamingo is supposed to be darker than we get on television.
I guess how the show started airing in 2006.